#DBA #SQL #Server #Performance #Tuning
SQL Server 2008 SP1 için Cumulative Update Package 7 Çıktı
SQL Server 2008 SP1 için CU7 'yı Microsoft'un sayfasından indirebilirsiniz.
SQL Server 2005/2008 Servis Pack Planları
SQL Server 2008 SP2 2010 yılının 3. çeyreğinde çıkmış olacak; SQL Server 2005 SP4 ise 2010 yılının 4. çeyreğinde kullanılabilir olacak. SQL Server 2005 için SP4 son servis pack olacak. Microsoft SQL Server 2005'e desteğini 13 Nisan 2011'de kesecek; uzatılmış desteğini ise 12 Nisan 2016'ya kadar sürecek.
SQL Server 2008 SP1 için Cumulative Update Package 6 Çıktı
SQL Server 2008 SP1 için CU6'yı Microsoft'un sayfasından indirebilirsiniz. Bu arada CU6 ile gelen fixleri de incelemekte yarar var.
SQL Server 2008 R2 Geliyor
Değerli okuyucu,
Microsoft, 2010 yılının Mayıs ayı içerisinde SQL Server 2008 R2 sürümünü çıkaracağını duyurdu. R2 sürümü dört gözle bekleyenlere duyurulur.
Microsoft, 2010 yılının Mayıs ayı içerisinde SQL Server 2008 R2 sürümünü çıkaracağını duyurdu. R2 sürümü dört gözle bekleyenlere duyurulur.
Clustered Primary Key'i Nonclusted Yapma
Merhaba değerli okuyucu,
Geçenlerde clustered primary key contraint'ini nonclustured yapıya dönüştürme ihtiyacım oldu. İhtiyacımın temel sebebi de yanlış oluşturulan clustred bir primary key index'ini nonclustered yapıp farklı bir indexi clustered index'e çevirmek istememdi.
Bu işlemleri online bir sistemde gerçekleştirdiğimden daha titiz olmam gerekiyordu. Bu yüzden aşağıdaki adımları izledim:
--temp unique indexi online oluşturma
create unique nonclustered index tmpindex on tablo
(id) with (online=on) on primary
--online olarak primary key i drop etme
alter table tablo drop constraint pk_tablo with (online=on)
--nonclustered primary key i online olarak oluşturma
alter table tablo add constraint pk_tablo
primary key nonclustered (id) with (online=on) on primary
--temp index i drop etme
drop index tablo.tmpindex
Geçenlerde clustered primary key contraint'ini nonclustured yapıya dönüştürme ihtiyacım oldu. İhtiyacımın temel sebebi de yanlış oluşturulan clustred bir primary key index'ini nonclustered yapıp farklı bir indexi clustered index'e çevirmek istememdi.
Bu işlemleri online bir sistemde gerçekleştirdiğimden daha titiz olmam gerekiyordu. Bu yüzden aşağıdaki adımları izledim:
- Primary key'ler unique olduğundan key yapısını bozmamak için temporary unique bir index oluşturdum,
- Tablo üstündeki Primary Key'i drop ettim
- Tabloya Primary Key constraint'ini ekledim
- İlk oluşturduğum temporary unique index e artık ihtiyacım kalmadığı için drop ettim.
--temp unique indexi online oluşturma
create unique nonclustered index tmpindex on tablo
(id) with (online=on) on primary
--online olarak primary key i drop etme
alter table tablo drop constraint pk_tablo with (online=on)
--nonclustered primary key i online olarak oluşturma
alter table tablo add constraint pk_tablo
primary key nonclustered (id) with (online=on) on primary
--temp index i drop etme
drop index tablo.tmpindex
text, ntext ve image veri tipleri
Microsoft, SQL Server'ın yeni çıkacak sürümlerinde text, ntext ve image veri tiplerini kaldıracağını bildiriyor. Bu veri tiplerinin yerine varchar(max), nvarchar(max) ve varbinary(max) veri tiplerini kullanabilirsiniz.
SQL Server 2005/2008 Registered Server Listesi
SQL Server 2005/2008 de registered server isimlerini aşağıdaki path ve dosyalarda tutuluyor:
SQL Server 2005:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell\RegSrvr.xml
SQL Server 2008:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\RegSrvr.xml
Bu listeler özellikle benim gibi SQL Server'ınızı tekrardan kurmak zorunda kalmışsanız çok işinize yarayacaktır.
SQL Server 2005:
C:\Documents and Settings\
SQL Server 2008:
C:\Documents and Settings\
Bu listeler özellikle benim gibi SQL Server'ınızı tekrardan kurmak zorunda kalmışsanız çok işinize yarayacaktır.
SQL Server Sistem Collation'ını Değiştirme
Komut satırından aşağıdaki komut yardımıyla SQL Server'ınızın sistem collation'ını değiştirebilirsiniz:
Not: master system veritabanı değiştiği için tüm login, yetkiler vs bilgiler uçar(benden uyarması:))!
Not: master system veritabanı değiştiği için tüm login, yetkiler vs bilgiler uçar(benden uyarması:))!
SQL Server ile Bilgisayar Adını Bulma
SQL Server üzerinden xp_getnetname sp'ü ile server ismini alabilirsiniz. Bu sp yararlı bir undocumented extended sp olup; aşağıdaki gibi kullanabilirsiniz:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_getnetname
EXEC master.dbo.xp_getnetname
Disklerdeki Boş Yer Büyüklüğünü Bulma
Server'ınıza bağlı disklerdeki boş yeri SQL Server üzerinden aşağıdaki sp ile bulabilirsiniz:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives
EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives
Undocumented System Views
SQL Server 2005'te dökümante edilmemis sistem view'ları aşağıdaki gibidir:
Base Table Description
sys.sysschobjs : Exists in every database. Each row represents an object in the database.
sys.sysbinobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each Service Broker entity in the database. Service Broker entities include the following:
Message type Service contract
Service The names and types use binary collation that is fixed.
sys.sysclsobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each classified entity that shares the same common properties that include the following:
Backup device
Full-text catalog
Partition function
Partition scheme
File group
Obfuscation key
sys.sysnsobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each namespace-scoped entity. This table is used for storing XML collection entities.
sys.syscolpars : Exists in every database. Contains a row for every column in a table, view, or table-valued function. It also contains rows for every parameter of a procedure or function.
sys.systypedsubobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each typed subentity. Currently, only parameters for partition function fall into this category.
sys.sysidxstats : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each index or statistics for tables and indexed views
Every index (except heap) is associated with a statistic that has the same name as the index.
sys.sysiscols : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each persisted index and statistics column.
sys.sysscalartypes : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each user-defined or system type.
sys.sysdbreg : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each registered database.
sys.sysxsrvs : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each local, linked, or remote server.
sys.sysrmtlgns : This system base table exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each remote login mapping. This is used to map incoming logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login.
sys.syslnklgns : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each linked login mapping. Linked login mappings are used by remote procedure calls and distributed queries that emanate from a local server out to a corresponding linked server.
sys.sysxlgns : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each server principal.
sys.sysdbfiles : Exists in every database. If the column dbid is zero, the row represents a file that belongs to this database. In the master database, the column dbid can be nonzero. When this is the case, the row represents a master file.
sys.sysusermsg : Exists in the master database only. Each row represents a user-defined error message.
sys.sysprivs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each database- or server-level permission.
Note: Server-level permissions are stored in the master database.
sys.sysowners : Exists in every database. Each row represents a database principal.
sys.sysobjkeycrypts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each symmetric key, encryption, or cryptographic property associated with an object.
sys.syscerts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each certificate in a database.
sys.sysasymkeys : Exists in every database. Each row represents an asymmetric key.
sys.ftinds : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each full-text index in the database.
sys.sysxprops : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each extended property.
sys.sysallocunits : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each storage allocation unit.
sys.sysrowsets : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each partition rowset for an index or a heap.
sys.sysrowsetcolumns : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each column, of partition rowset.
sys.syshobts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each heap or B-tree (HOBT) that can host multiple rowsets
sys.syshobtcolumns : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each column of a HOBT.
sys.sysserefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general storage engine metadata reference.
sys.sysrowsetrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each index to rowset reference.
sys.syslogshippers : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each database mirroring witness.
sys.sysremsvcbinds : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each remote service binding.
sys.sysconvgroup : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each service instance in Service Broker.
sys.sysxmitqueue : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each Service Broker transmission queue.
sys.sysdesend : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each sending endpoint of a Service Broker conversation.
sys.sysdercv : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each receiving endpoint of a Service Broker conversation.
sys.sysendpts : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each endpoint created in the server.
sys.syswebmethods : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each SOAP-method defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint that is created in the server.
sys.sysqnames : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each namespace or qualified name to a 4-byte ID token.
sys.sysxmlcomponent : Exists in every database. Each row represents an XML schema component.
sys.sysxmlfacet : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each XML facet (restriction) of XML type definition.
sys.sysxmlplacement : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each XML placement for XML components.
sys.syssingleobjrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general N-to-1 reference.
sys.sysmultiobjrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general N-to-N reference.
sys.sysobjvalues : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general value property of an entity.
sys.sysguidrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each GUID classified ID reference.
Base Table Description
sys.sysschobjs : Exists in every database. Each row represents an object in the database.
sys.sysbinobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each Service Broker entity in the database. Service Broker entities include the following:
Message type Service contract
Service The names and types use binary collation that is fixed.
sys.sysclsobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each classified entity that shares the same common properties that include the following:
Backup device
Full-text catalog
Partition function
Partition scheme
File group
Obfuscation key
sys.sysnsobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each namespace-scoped entity. This table is used for storing XML collection entities.
sys.syscolpars : Exists in every database. Contains a row for every column in a table, view, or table-valued function. It also contains rows for every parameter of a procedure or function.
sys.systypedsubobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each typed subentity. Currently, only parameters for partition function fall into this category.
sys.sysidxstats : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each index or statistics for tables and indexed views
Every index (except heap) is associated with a statistic that has the same name as the index.
sys.sysiscols : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each persisted index and statistics column.
sys.sysscalartypes : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each user-defined or system type.
sys.sysdbreg : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each registered database.
sys.sysxsrvs : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each local, linked, or remote server.
sys.sysrmtlgns : This system base table exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each remote login mapping. This is used to map incoming logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login.
sys.syslnklgns : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each linked login mapping. Linked login mappings are used by remote procedure calls and distributed queries that emanate from a local server out to a corresponding linked server.
sys.sysxlgns : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each server principal.
sys.sysdbfiles : Exists in every database. If the column dbid is zero, the row represents a file that belongs to this database. In the master database, the column dbid can be nonzero. When this is the case, the row represents a master file.
sys.sysusermsg : Exists in the master database only. Each row represents a user-defined error message.
sys.sysprivs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each database- or server-level permission.
Note: Server-level permissions are stored in the master database.
sys.sysowners : Exists in every database. Each row represents a database principal.
sys.sysobjkeycrypts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each symmetric key, encryption, or cryptographic property associated with an object.
sys.syscerts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each certificate in a database.
sys.sysasymkeys : Exists in every database. Each row represents an asymmetric key.
sys.ftinds : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each full-text index in the database.
sys.sysxprops : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each extended property.
sys.sysallocunits : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each storage allocation unit.
sys.sysrowsets : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each partition rowset for an index or a heap.
sys.sysrowsetcolumns : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each column, of partition rowset.
sys.syshobts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each heap or B-tree (HOBT) that can host multiple rowsets
sys.syshobtcolumns : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each column of a HOBT.
sys.sysserefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general storage engine metadata reference.
sys.sysrowsetrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each index to rowset reference.
sys.syslogshippers : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each database mirroring witness.
sys.sysremsvcbinds : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each remote service binding.
sys.sysconvgroup : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each service instance in Service Broker.
sys.sysxmitqueue : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each Service Broker transmission queue.
sys.sysdesend : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each sending endpoint of a Service Broker conversation.
sys.sysdercv : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each receiving endpoint of a Service Broker conversation.
sys.sysendpts : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each endpoint created in the server.
sys.syswebmethods : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each SOAP-method defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint that is created in the server.
sys.sysqnames : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each namespace or qualified name to a 4-byte ID token.
sys.sysxmlcomponent : Exists in every database. Each row represents an XML schema component.
sys.sysxmlfacet : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each XML facet (restriction) of XML type definition.
sys.sysxmlplacement : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each XML placement for XML components.
sys.syssingleobjrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general N-to-1 reference.
sys.sysmultiobjrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general N-to-N reference.
sys.sysobjvalues : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general value property of an entity.
sys.sysguidrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each GUID classified ID reference.
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