SQL Server 2005'te dökümante edilmemis sistem view'ları aşağıdaki gibidir:
Base Table Descriptionsys.sysschobjs : Exists in every database. Each row represents an object in the database.
sys.sysbinobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each Service Broker entity in the database. Service Broker entities include the following:
Message type Service contract
Service The names and types use binary collation that is fixed.
sys.sysclsobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each classified entity that shares the same common properties that include the following:
Backup device
Full-text catalog
Partition function
Partition scheme
File group
Obfuscation key
sys.sysnsobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each namespace-scoped entity. This table is used for storing XML collection entities.
sys.syscolpars : Exists in every database. Contains a row for every column in a table, view, or table-valued function. It also contains rows for every parameter of a procedure or function.
sys.systypedsubobjs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each typed subentity. Currently, only parameters for partition function fall into this category.
sys.sysidxstats : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each index or statistics for tables and indexed views
Every index (except heap) is associated with a statistic that has the same name as the index.
sys.sysiscols : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each persisted index and statistics column.
sys.sysscalartypes : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each user-defined or system type.
sys.sysdbreg : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each registered database.
sys.sysxsrvs : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each local, linked, or remote server.
sys.sysrmtlgns : This system base table exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each remote login mapping. This is used to map incoming logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login.
sys.syslnklgns : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each linked login mapping. Linked login mappings are used by remote procedure calls and distributed queries that emanate from a local server out to a corresponding linked server.
sys.sysxlgns : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each server principal.
sys.sysdbfiles : Exists in every database. If the column dbid is zero, the row represents a file that belongs to this database. In the master database, the column dbid can be nonzero. When this is the case, the row represents a master file.
sys.sysusermsg : Exists in the master database only. Each row represents a user-defined error message.
sys.sysprivs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each database- or server-level permission.
Note: Server-level permissions are stored in the master database.
sys.sysowners : Exists in every database. Each row represents a database principal.
sys.sysobjkeycrypts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each symmetric key, encryption, or cryptographic property associated with an object.
sys.syscerts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each certificate in a database.
sys.sysasymkeys : Exists in every database. Each row represents an asymmetric key.
sys.ftinds : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each full-text index in the database.
sys.sysxprops : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each extended property.
sys.sysallocunits : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each storage allocation unit.
sys.sysrowsets : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each partition rowset for an index or a heap.
sys.sysrowsetcolumns : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each column, of partition rowset.
sys.syshobts : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each heap or B-tree (HOBT) that can host multiple rowsets
sys.syshobtcolumns : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each column of a HOBT.
sys.sysserefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general storage engine metadata reference.
sys.sysrowsetrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each index to rowset reference.
sys.syslogshippers : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each database mirroring witness.
sys.sysremsvcbinds : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each remote service binding.
sys.sysconvgroup : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each service instance in Service Broker.
sys.sysxmitqueue : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each Service Broker transmission queue.
sys.sysdesend : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each sending endpoint of a Service Broker conversation.
sys.sysdercv : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each receiving endpoint of a Service Broker conversation.
sys.sysendpts : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each endpoint created in the server.
sys.syswebmethods : Exists in the master database only. Contains a row for each SOAP-method defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint that is created in the server.
sys.sysqnames : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each namespace or qualified name to a 4-byte ID token.
sys.sysxmlcomponent : Exists in every database. Each row represents an XML schema component.
sys.sysxmlfacet : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each XML facet (restriction) of XML type definition.
sys.sysxmlplacement : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each XML placement for XML components.
sys.syssingleobjrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general N-to-1 reference.
sys.sysmultiobjrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general N-to-N reference.
sys.sysobjvalues : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each general value property of an entity.
sys.sysguidrefs : Exists in every database. Contains a row for each GUID classified ID reference.